Everything you ever wanted to know…..

I should have added “about Breeann Villarreal” to the end of the title. But, then you might not have read this, huh?

I am  first and foremost, a Christ follower. I strive to keep Christ in the center of all I do. I fall short, very short, a lot. But there are times, glorious times,  when I am successful and allow Christ the room He needs to help me be all He desires. I am committed to living out my faith on daily basis, learning from my mistakes and accepting the grace that God generously pours out on me.

I have been married for 11 years (at the end of the month) to a great man. During this past decade (Oh. My. Goodness!) I have learned so much. We have grown together, pushed each other away, and pulled each other close. At times I have thought I could walk through this journey with out him, and have come to realize that there is no way I would want to!

We have been blessed with 3 children. Aiden, 8 years old and too smart for his own good! He loves dinosaurs, the solar system, superheroes and Japanese Anime. He is probably the pickiest eater you will ever meet – but we are working on that! Olivia is 6 years old and wants to be the boss! She is smarter than she knows, loves to host tea parties, dress up and get her nails painted. Liam is our newest blessing. He was born in January, is learning to sleep through the night and he has s smile that lights up the room.

Things I am passionate about:
God’s grace and the relationship we can have with Him when we fully accept it
My family
Cloth diapering
Getting a bargain
Delayed (or none at all) vaccinations

Oh – Did I mention cupcakes?!?!?!?


More tomorrow!

4 thoughts on “Everything you ever wanted to know…..

    • Carrie – Yep! I decided to give it a try again.. Hoping I can keep it up, I am really enjoying it this time..Thanks for reading my posts!

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